October 19, 2023
Media Release
Hastings County is thrilled to recognize their achievement at this year’s Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) Marketing Canada Awards. Hastings County was awarded the Promotional Item category for the following criteria: “Unique items created specifically to promote or reinforce business/tourism themes, opportunities, attractions, or services. Must be innovative and customized for the purpose.”
Their submission for the award included a self-guided Business Kit used to provide inspiration and useful items to anyone beginning the journey of entrepreneurship in Hastings County and looking to work with our Small Business Coordinator for one-on-one coaching. Hastings County’s full application can be found here.
“On behalf of Hastings County Council, I would like to congratulate our Economic Development team on this tremendous achievement. They always represent the County well in their work and I know the business community and entrepreneurs in Hastings County are lucky to have their team as a resource,” stated Warden Bob Mullin.
For more information contact:
Bob Mullin, Warden
613-966-1311 ext. 3203
[email protected]
Conor Dorey, CAO
613-966-1311 ext. 3204
[email protected]